Several Streams of Thought: On Ukraine, Politics, A Sad Japanese Cat Story, My Grandpa, and Rebekah in the Hebrew Bible
The danger of a little information I used to be really prideful about knowing a lot about the world. In high school, I competed in Policy Debate, which meant I maintained tubs-full of article and book snippets on every conceivable topic linked to an annual debate topic. I also competed in an event that required me to speak extemporaneously on one of three international topics with just 30 minutes of prep time. As an adult, I’ve consistently taken the time to be updated about current events, to use the tools of analysis I picked up in college poli-sci to figure out what makes the world tick in all it’s various ways, and to try to promote good public policy by voting, contacting officials, and writing into the void about my political opinions. By “used to be” I mean that I was like this until about 6 months into the Biden administration. The election of Donald Trump in 2017 and the way the Republican Party seemed to conform around him with cult-like passion around the m...