
Showing posts from February, 2023

Quotes sustaining and challenging my faith lately

  Me: I’m not sure I actually believe in God anymore.  Also Me: let’s stay up late and read the Bible! Faith journeys are wild. Mine is progressing slower than I’d like. But if you’re curious for an update, this post might help you there. I also think some of my thoughts might be helpful to others. If you find that to be the case, please let me know, because I’m lonely a lot in my particular path and so I’m desperate to hear from people who relate even a little.  I do also recognize that some people who relate to me in some ways with what's below, might have VERY different reactions to some of what I am finding sustaining or challenging. That's okay, and I think your reactions to these are valid--even if they are the opposite of mine. Quotes sustaining my faith lately Real faith “Real faith, life-changing faith, Abrahamic faith is always in crisis. That’s how you find out if it’s faith at all. I promise you that more faith will mean less crisis until finally God says ‘wel...