A really long post about DOCTRINE
What is doctrine and how is it established? I have some thoughts beyond these two questions, but first, I want us to start on the same basic understanding. In his book, Increase in Learning , Elder David A. Bednar distinguishes doctrine from principles and applications. This isn’t the first or last entry for the word Doctrine into Latter-day Saint vernacular, but I think it defines the basics of how Latter-day Saints typically view Doctrine in as fair a light as possible. Here’s the statement: A gospel doctrine is a truth—a truth of salvation revealed by a loving Heavenly Father. Gospel doctrines are eternal, do not change, and pertain to the eternal progression and exaltation of Heavenly Father’s sons and daughters. Doctrines such as the nature of the Godhead, the plan of happiness, and the Atonement of Jesus Christ are foundational, fundamental, and comprehensive. The core doctrines of the gospel of Jesus Christ are relatively few in number (pp. 151–152). In the Oct...