Mothers Day Church Talk Extended Cut: 22 Women in the scriptures and my family history
This is the talk I gave in church on Mothers day. When I gave the talk, I cut about a 3rd of it for time, so this has a few more examples and a little more elaboration in some parts. Funny enough, at the pulpit, I didn’t even mention my wife! Also worth noting for the history books: I heavily reorganized the talk a few hours before church. Then I gave my phone to my son to distract him while I was on the stand. I brought my laptop with me to give the talk but then realized that I’d never brought my laptop to church before so it didn’t have access to the wifi and therefore didn’t have access to the new draft in google docs! So I started this talk by freaking out a minute and asking the bishopric for the wifi password. Eve , whose birth is the crowning event of six initial periods of creation, and who saw beyond the literal conditions set before her to imagine and then attain a better world. My Sixth Great Grandmother on my father’s side, Johannetta Elisabetha Mai , who left ...